- Health check and maintenance of any make UPS, Servo stabilizer, Battery charger.
- Rental Service for Stabilizer and UPS of any capacity
- Refurbishment product life enhancement for make online UPS , Servo
stabilizer, Battery charger, Inverters, Transformers. - AMC service any make of UPS, Servo stabilizer, Battery charger.
AMC Services
We offer Comprehensive Annual Maintenance Contract, Non-Comprehensive Annual Maintenance Contract for Online UPS, Servo Stabilizers, Static Voltage stabilizers, Automatic Voltage Regulators ,Static Frequency Converters, Battery Chargers, Isolation Transformers and SMPS based power supplies.
Rentals of Equipments
We offer rental of equipment’s like Online UPS (1KVA to 200KVA) & Servo
Stabilizers (1KVA to 300KVA) for your valuable projects on returnable basis at an affordable & reasonable rates.
Refurbishment Product Life Enhancement
Our company’s mission is to make sustainability mainstream, and a big part of that is to redesign the way we consume. We provide & offer refurbishment of our own products and any brands in UPS range of 1KVA-120KVA. We also provide regular health checkups of UPS & Servo Stabilizers. “Product life extension” is a phrase you may have been hearing more of lately as one part of the multifaceted solutions to create a circular economy. It’s a term that describes how long a product or item can be used for, with the ultimate goal of maximizing any given product’s utilization rate and duration.
Why is keeping our products and materials “in-use” for a longer duration so important?
Every time we throw away a product, we essentially also are losing all of the energy and resources that went into its production. And although recycling a product is sometimes an option, reuse and repair rank much higher than recycling in terms of stronger environmental impact. (not to say that recycling isn’t important ; it is usually much better than landfill because we are not losing all the material value. But when we consider that many of our products are not designed to be recycled, the amount of energy that is needed to fully recycle a material sometimes can be quite high.)
Power Quality Audit
The Power Quality Audit (PQA), is a service offered by the TEPL’s technical support center that checks the reliability, efficiency and safety of an organization’s electrical system.
It verifies the following aspects:
- Harmonic analysis and mitigation.
- Power factor analysis.
- Power loss and improvement strategies.
- Continuity.